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Report: Testing Triage: Navigating (Rae 2019)
In 2019, the Florida Justice Technology Center, conducted user tests of the new staging website. The user testing participants were provided with a hypothetical legal problem and asked to navigate the site to get the help they wanted. In addition to asking structured questions at key points, the researchers documented what the participants did, what they said, and where they seemed to have trouble throughout the process.
Key Findings
- Half of the participants did not notice all parent topics.
- Participants struggled to identify the correct parent topic.
- Once participants identified the correct parent topic, the majority were able to find their legal problem.
- Participants did not select the relevant applicant categories (veterans, senior, crime victim, and domestic violence survivor) that were provided in the hypothetical.
- Some participants had trouble with the different methods of inputting information, most noticeably on the dropdowns.
- Most participants understood why they were being asked for personal information and were comfortable providing it.
- Almost all of the participants noted that they did not read the small print explaining the site.
- Providing an accurate income for a household may be difficult for some users.
- Site navigation was not intuitive for most participants.
These findings were shared with the site developers and incorporated into the ongoing design.
Recommended Citation: Jessica Rae, Testing Triage: Navigating, Fla. Justice Tech. Center (July 2019)