Triage & Service Portal

Resource: LSC Legal Navigator Portal Project (2021)
The “Legal Navigator” is an online platform designed to be used by individuals alone or with non-legal providers with whom they may already be working to address a variety of other issues. We are automating self-help in a new way that replicates

Report: Comparing Online Legal Content Formats: The Results of User Research (Rae & Quinn 2018)
In May 2018, the Florida Justice Technology Center’s website conducted short user tests of the same legal content in four different formats with 26 Floridians, the majority of whom (over 80%) reported earning less than 250% of t

Report: Reaching Floridians with Legal Information: Feedback from Focus Groups and User Testing (Rae & Quinn 2018)
In May 2018, the Florida Justice Technology Center’s gathered feedback and input from community members, social services organizations and legal services providers.

Report: Testing Triage: Navigating (Rae 2019)
In 2019, the Florida Justice Technology Center, conducted user tests of the new staging website.

News: LEAN Manufacturing Analysis Helps Senior Legal Hotline Network Serve More Clients in Better Ways (Center for Elder Rights Advocacy 2016)

News: VA Legal Aid Society's New Online Triage System Dramatically Realigns Staff Resources to Increase Service to Eligible Clients (VA Legal Aid 2016)

Report: Building A Litigant Portal: Business and Technical Requirements (NCSC 2015)
With funding from State Justice Institute, Thomas Clarke of the National Center for State Courts assembled two advisory committees – one to develop the business requirements for a litigant portal, and another to examine the technical requirements

Weblinks: National Center for State Courts Triage Page (NCSC 2015)
The National Center for State Courts(NCSC) provides numerous resources for court personnel who contemplate triage through the lens of case management, which is a critical step towards simplification, use their search feature for "triage".

Article: Triage - A Vital Tool to Increase Access to Justice (Boyle 2013)
In this article in Slaw, Canada's on-line legal magazine, Kari Boyle reviews some of the triage activity in Canadian Civil Justice Reform.
About the author:

SRLN Brief: Examples of Legal Aid On-Line Intake and Triage Projects (SRLN 2016)
Over the years, legal aid programs developed complex intake protocols and decision trees to help manage their crushing caseload. Initially, these screening tools were simply paper documents that intake staff could use.