Webinar: Best Practices for Family Law Self-Help Programs (SRLN 2005)
Pamela Ortiz, the Executive Director of the Department of Family Administration at the Maryland Administrative Office of the Courts presented on best practices for self-help centers.
Webinar: Standardized Forms and Instructions (Rawdon 2006)
This SRLN Webinar from February 15, 2006, discusses the importance and logistics of providing standardized forms and instructions.
Webinar: Pro Se/Self Help Program Management (SRLN 2006)
The following are the presentation and supplemental materials from the SRLN Webinar entitled "Pro Se Program Management" which was presented on March 22, 2006 by Susan Ledray, Pro Se Services Manager at the 4th Judicial District Court in Hennepin
Webinar: Self Represented Litigant Technology (SRLN 2006)
This webinar reviews early models by a variety of court and legal aid programs using technology to improve services to self-represented litigants.
Webinar: Unbundling Legal Services (SRLN 2006)
Below are materials from an SRLN webinar on unbundling legal services which took place on May 17, 2006. Private Family Court Judge M. Sue Talia presented and led this webinar.
Webinar: Judicial Management of Self Represented Cases (SRLN 2006)
This webinar, which took place on June 14, 2006, discussed different techniques for managing cases involving self-represented litigants. California Judge Laurie Zelon and Minnesota Judge Daniel Mabley led this webinar.
Webinar: Rural Courts and Self Help Programs (SRLN 2007)
The SRLN webinar "Rural Courts and Self-Help Programs" took place on January 25, 2007. Presenters included Mary Boudreau, Utah AOC; Eleanor Gerlott, Lancaster Co.
Webinar: Distinguishing Legal Information from Legal Advice (Greacen 2007)
This webinar is geared toward the court clerk environment and includes discussions on the importance of this topic / why we should care; problems with a vague standard; standards that don't work; principles upon which to build a sound policy; ethi
Presentation: Technology and Court Based Pro Se Programs: Opportunity and Challenge (Zorza 2000)
Power Point slide presentation put together by Richard Zorza on the technology challenges facing in court pro se programs. Presented June 5, 2000.
Webinar: Public Library Webinar Series (Pro Bono Net 2012)
In the fall of 2012 Pro Bono Net produced the Libraries and Access to Justice Webinar Series to increase awareness among librarians and community stakeholders about free, online resources for people with legal needs, how librarians can access and