Justice Tech Entrepreneurs
The Justice Tech Working Group was launched to give justice tech entrepreneurs access to information and resources to help navigate developing products and services directly to self-represented litigants, courts, legal aid, pro bono, and bar programs. The working group seeks to cultivate a community for problem solving and knowledge sharing to promote sustainable justice solutions.
The working group seeks to refine best practices for deploying, designing, developing, managing, and maintaining justice technology solutions.
Six general categories framed the working group's initial discussions and our web resources are organized to spotlight each in it's own section. You will also find a Working Group Content Section that lists documents the working group collaborated on to develop.
Integration with Institutional Process
Monitoring and Evaluation Strategies
Visit the SRLN Justice Tech Entrepreneurs Working Group Webinar Recap Section page for information about and access to recordings of our previous calls.
Contact the Working Group Facilitator, Eduardo Gonzalez, [email protected], to learn more about the working group or suggest a resource you think should be added to our list.

Resource: No-Code Technology Directory (A2J Tech 2022)

Report: Alternative Legal Service Providers: Understanding the Growth and Benefits of These New Legal Providers (Thomson Reuters Legal Executive Institute, Georgetown University Law Center, and the University of Oxford Saïd Business School 2017)

Resource: SRLN Justice Tech Working Group Write-ups (SRLN 2021)

Webinar: Panel Interview with ATJ Tech Entrepreneurs in the Time of COVID-19 (SRLN 2020)

Working Group: Justice Tech Entrepreneurs Webinar Recap