Trainer of the Trainer Materials / Curricula
Research: Judge - SRL Communications Research (SRLN 2007)
Through funding from the State Justice Institute, the California Administrative Office of the Courts, and the Maryland Judiciary, the Self-Represented Litigation Network conducted two research projects this year (2006-2007).
Curriculum: SRLN Court Solutions Conference Leadership Package (SRLN 2008)
The Self-Represented Litigation Leadership Package was prepared by the Self-Represented Litigation Network and launched at the Court Solutions Conference on September 8-10, 2008, in Baltimore, Maryland. The core of the Package is fifteen modules,
Curriculum: Access to Justice for the Self Represented (SRLN & NCSC 2013)
The following modules are designed to assist judges in handling cases involving self-represented litigants (SRLs).
Conference: Harvard Judicial Leadership Conference (SRLN 2007)
Based on the research of the Self-Represented Litigation Network (SRLN), the resources below make up the original judicial curricula prepared by the Na