Utah Supreme Court Logo

Report: Supreme Court Task Force to Examine Limited Legal Licensing (Utah 2015)

From the Introduction:
NCSC logo

Paper: Non-Lawyer Legal Assistance Roles (Clarke 2015)

The Utah Supreme Court has created a committee to study the possibility of creating a limited license legal technician - or something along those lines - in Utah.

Survey: SRLN Library Working Group National Self-Help in Libraries Survey (SRLN 2013)

The Law Librarians’ Working Group of the Self-Represented Litigation Network surveyed law libraries in the summer of 2013 about their services, including self-help programs.
Center for Families Children and the Court Logo

Article: Community Courts and Family (Chase, Alexander, Miller 2000)

The authors introduce the idea of a community court as an interaction among courts, social service agencies, and the community.
State of NY Unified Court System Logo

Report: Navigator Snapshot Report (New York 2014)

From the Executive Summary

SRLN Brief: Justice Corps (SRLN 2015)

Justice Corps is a program that works in affiliation with Americorps and has been of tremendous benefit to numerous courts, most especially in California.

News: New York Combines Technology, Partners and Re-Engineering Reducing Court Time for DV Victims to Less Than an Hour and Saving Clerks 30 Minutes per File (New York 2015)


News: National Evaluation And Classification Framework For Non-Lawyer Projects Released (Public Welfare Foundation 2015)

As those of us in the access to justice movement know too well, across the country thousands of people arrive at court every day both unrepresented and unsure of where to go.
Bet Tzedek Logo

Report: Making Self-Help Work: Bet Tzedek’s Conservatorship Clinic (Bet Tzedek 2013)

Since 2007, Bet Tzedek Legal Services has been running a self-help conservatorship clinic in partnership with the Los Angeles Superior Court.
Call for justice logo

News: Call for Justice (Minnesota 2015)

Call for Justice, LLC is an innovative non-profit in Minneapolis that seeks to improve access to justice by connecting low-income people to existing legal resources, in partnership with United Way 211 and others.