Attorney Ethics

Article: Unbundling and the Lawyer's Duty of Care (Hornsby 2012)
This article looks at the standards set in the ABA's Model Rules of Professional Conduct 1.2(c) and how to implement it with actual clients in consultations, document assembly, and advocacy.

SRLN Brief: Rule 6.5 - A Powerful Tool to Diversify Pro Bono and Transform Court Services (SRLN 2015)
Ethics rule 6.5 is a powerful tool to diversify pro bono programs and to transform court services because it allows unbundled lawyers to perform real time services in court-annexed programs without the onerous clerical burdens and limitations unde

Weblinks: ABA Standing Committee on the Delivery of Legal Services (ABA 2015)
The ABA Standing Committee on the Delivery of Legal Services has the mandate to improve access to lawyers and legal services for those of modern income – those who do not qualify for legal aid yet lack the resources for full representation.

Weblinks: Attorney Ethics When Interacting with an SRL (ABA 2015)
This web page is an inventory of state ethics opinions on the ethical duties of an attorney when interacting with a self-represented litigant (SRL).

Article: Attorney-Client Relationships in Cyberspace: The Perils and the Promise (Lanctot 1999)
This Duke Law Journal article of 1999 discusses forming an attorney-client relationshship by giving legal advice and regulating legal advice in non-traditional contexts.

SRLN Brief: Integrating Unbundling into Self-Help Services (SRLN 2015)
The states vary tremendously on how they may have integrated unbundling into their service delivery systems.

Report: Analysis of Rules That Enable Lawyers to Serve Self-Represented Litigants with Unbundling (ABA 2014)
The white paper, An Analysis of Rules That Enable Lawyers to Serve Self-Represented Litigants, was

Tool: Limited Scope Risk Management Materials (California Commission on Access to Justice 2004)
The California Commission on Access to Justice developed comprehensive risk management materials to help lawyers develop ethical unbundled or limited scope practices.