Resource: Chicago Bar Foundation Limited Scope Toolkit (CBF 2018, 2021 update)
The Chicago Bar Foundation published a comprehensive toolkit on unbundling to assist attorneys who are licensed in Illinois and seeking to offer limited
Website: IAALS Unbundling Legal Services Initiatives (IAALS 2018)
Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System (IAALS) publishes guides and toolkits for consumers, non-legal professionals, lawyers, and court leadership.
Resource: Notice of Limited Scope for One-Time Pro Bono Service (Alaska 2018)
Limited scope pro bono projects can be an effective way for a jurisdiction to provide needed legal services and develop unbundled capacity within the private Bar.
Resource: Resource Guide on Serving Self-Represented Litigants Remotely (SRLN 2016)
The Resource Guide provides options for courts and other entities interested in providing services to self-represented litigants using means that are not face-to-face, instead of, or in addition to, in-person alternatives
Video: Re-Imagining Family Law Procedures (Alaska 2016)
Video featuring the Honorable Vanessa White, Judge of the Superior Court at Palmer Alaska, and Stacey Marz, Director of the Alaska Court System's Self-Help Services.
News: Alaska Bar Association's Unbundled List Offers Court a Neutral Mechanism for Referrals and SRLs Access to the Limited Scope Help They Need (Alaska Bar Association 2016)
Resource: Alaska Unbundled Section Formation Letter (Alaska Bar Association 2010)
The Alaska Bar Association approved the formation on an unbundled services section of the bar in 2010, thereby establishing a mechanism to ensure professional development for lawyers providing these services, creating a neutral mechanism for the c
Article: Unbundling and the Lawyer's Duty of Care (Hornsby 2012)
This article looks at the standards set in the ABA's Model Rules of Professional Conduct 1.2(c) and how to implement it with actual clients in consultations, document assembly, and advocacy.
Resource: Equal Access Unit of the California Center for Families, Children & the Courts (Judicial Council of California 2015)
The Equal Access Unit of the Center for Families, Children & the Courts has materials available for courts, court-based self-help programs, and other nonprofit providers of lega
Weblinks: ABA Standing Committee on the Delivery of Legal Services (ABA 2015)
The ABA Standing Committee on the Delivery of Legal Services has the mandate to improve access to lawyers and legal services for those of modern income – those who do not qualify for legal aid yet lack the resources for full representation.