Article: Connecting Self-Representation to Civil Gideon: What Existing Data Reveal About When Counsel is Most Needed (Engler 2009)
Book: Successful Business Planning: Serving the Moderate Income Client (Colorado Bar Association 2013)
This book is the product of the the Colorado Bar Association's (CBA) Modest Means Task Force. Successful Business Planning: Representing the Moderate Income Client is desig
Article: Rule Changes Permit Limited Representation in Litigation: Increasing Access and Opportunity (Holtermann 2013)
In this article, David Holtermann, general counsel of the Lawyers Trust Fund of Illinois who was involved in drafting an early proposal for the limited scope rule changes ultimately approved by the Illinois Supreme Court, discusses the rule change
Article: Unbundling Legal Services in 2014: Recommendations for the Court (Mosten 2014)
In this article, Forrest "Woody" Mosten, the "father" of unbundling, provides a brief overview of unbundling developments and showcase the leadership of judges and court staff in making unbundling a reality in so many jurisdictions and to recommen
Article: A Judge’s View on the Benefits of ‘Unbundling’ (Juhas 2015)
This is an article about the value of unbundling by Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Mark A. Juhas, who has presided in family court since he was appointed to the bench in 2002.
Book: Reinventing the Practice of Law: Emerging Models to Enhance Affordable Legal Services (ABA 2014)
A compendium of essays on ways in which lawyers can change their practices to improve their environment — for themselves, their clients and their neighborhoods.
Report: The Self-Help Center Census: A National Survey (ABA 2014)
Using responses to an online survey, the American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on the Delivery of Legal Services issued “The Self-Help Center Census: A N
Curriculum: SRLN Court Solutions Conference Leadership Package (SRLN 2008)
The Self-Represented Litigation Leadership Package was prepared by the Self-Represented Litigation Network and launched at the Court Solutions Conference on September 8-10, 2008, in Baltimore, Maryland. The core of the Package is fifteen modules,
Webinar: Unbundling Legal Services (SRLN 2006)
Below are materials from an SRLN webinar on unbundling legal services which took place on May 17, 2006. Private Family Court Judge M. Sue Talia presented and led this webinar.
Report: Roadmap for Implementing a Successful Unbundled Program (Talia 2005)
This paper provides a case study based on the experience in Contra Costa County, California, as well as other jurisdictions.