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Weblinks: National Center for State Courts Triage Page (NCSC 2015)
The National Center for State Courts(NCSC) provides numerous resources for court personnel who contemplate triage through the lens of case management, which is a critical step towards simplification, use their search feature for "triage". Many of the resources cited are repeated here, but be sure to check the NCSC Information and Resource page for updates (
What is Case Triage? Differentiated case management (DCM) is the precursor to case triage as different cases are assigned to different tracks based upon case type and complexity. Case triage is a more aggressive form of case management that involves the court staff and the litigants. By informing litigants early in the process of alternative tracks and processes, the litigant can make the choice as to which method to pursue before the case even begins. Once the case is filed the court can direct the litigant to the best method for efficient case processing.
Why Do Courts Need to Implement Triaging Services? As the number and complexity of cases increases, greater numbers of self-represented litigants are using the courts, and court staffs and services are being cut, case triage is one method to address these issues. Technology can assist courts in informing litigants of the rules, processes, costs, timeliness, and procedures ahead of time so that litigants and courts can make this more streamlined process effective with the appropriate information available to litigants.
Clarke, Tom, Richard Zorza, and Katherine Alteneder. Triage Protocols for Litigant Portals: A Coordinated Strategy Between Courts and Service Providers ( State Justice Institute (December 2013).
Charn, Jeanne. Celebrating the “Null” Finding: Evidence-Based Strategies for Improving Access to Legal Services ( The Yale Law Journal (June 2013).
Zorza, Richard. The Access to Justice 'Sorting Hat': Towards a System of Triage and Intake That Maximizes Access and Outcomes (; pdf). Denver University Law Review (2012).
Clarke, Thomas M. and Victor E. Flango. Case Triage for the 21st Century ( National Center for State Courts, Future Trends in State Courts (2011).
Flango Victor E. Which Disputes Belong in Court? ( National Center for State Courts, Future Trends in State Courts (2010).
Clarke Thomas M. Possible Implications of the Principles-Based Essential Functions of Courts: A Modest Proposal ( National Center for State Courts, Future Trends in State Courts (2010).
Salem, Peter. The Emergence of Triage in Family Court Services: The Beginning of the End for Mandatory Mediation (; pdf). Family Court Review (July 2009).
Frederick, Loretta. Questions About Family Court Domestic Violence Screening and Assessment ( Family Court Review (July 2008).
Salem, Peter; Kulak, Debra; and Deutsch, Robin M. Triaging Family Court Services: The Connecticut Judicial Branch's Family Civil Intake Screen (; pdf). Pace Law Review. (Summer 2007).