Academic Libraries

Academic law libraries are different than other libraries for many reasons, including their environments, constituencies served and collections. They are typically part of the law schools they serve and not the university library system. Unlike other types of libraries, the position of law school librarian now typically requires both a Master’s degree in Library and Information Science and a Juris Doctor degree. American Association of Law Libraries, Careers in Law Librarianship, available at

Academic law librarians tend to work more closely with law school faculty and students than they do with members of the public. Academic law librarians teach legal research, assist with faculty research and scholarship and support the research and scholarship needs of students.

The Academic Law Librarians Special Interest Section (ALL – SIS) is the largest section of the American Association of Law Librarians (AALL).  See also, The Unique Role of Academic Law Libraries (intended as a Marketing Toolkit for academic law libraries) and the RIPS Law Librarian Blog, published by the Research, Instruction, and Patron Services Special Interest Section (RIPS-SIS) of the American Association of Law Libraries.