Evaluation: Michigan Legal Help Evaluation Report (MLHP 2015)
Executive Summary

Report: A Comparative Readability Study of Plain Language Court Forms (Mindlin 2012)
This article presents the results from the first quantitative readability study of plain language court forms in the United States.

Report: Resources to Assist Self-Represented Litigants: A Fifty State Review of the State of the Art (Greacen 2011)
This report was originally commissioned by the Michigan State Bar Foundation to assist Michigan’s Solutions on Self-Help (SOS) Task Force, but modified to serve as a national resource so that it may be of value

Best Practices: Best Practices For Court Help Centers: A Guide for Court Administrators and Help Center Staff Inside and Outside New York State (New York 2015)
A comprehensive best practices guide developed by New York covering the details of day-to-day operations of a self-help center, including a history of the New York state court help centers, initial considerations, types of services to offer, staff

Webinar: Standardized Forms and Instructions (Rawdon 2006)
This SRLN Webinar from February 15, 2006, discusses the importance and logistics of providing standardized forms and instructions.

Article: Literacy and the Courts (Alteneder 2007)
This article sets out how the prevalence of low literacy in America, as identified by the National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL), explains why so many employees, clients and customers in everyday situa

SRLN Brief: Case for Key Innovations to Support 100% Access (SRLN 2007)
Collection of single page briefing papers prepared by the SRLN in 2007 to help interested parties make the "case for" key innovations. The following topics are covered:
• The Case for Self-Help Programs

SRLN Brief: Plain Language Resources for 100% Access (SRLN 2015)
What is plain language?

Article: Turner v. Rogers - Improving Due Process for the Self-Represented (Zorza 2012)
Article by Richard Zorza on the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Turner v.