Regulatory Concerns

Legal Services Community Principles and Guidelines for Due Process and Ethics in the Age of AI
Published in 2018, Legal Services Community Principles and Guidelines for Due Process and Ethics in the Age of AI is the work of an initivative led by Angela Tripp, Abhijeet Chavin, and Johnathan Pyle.

Report: Remote Appearances of Parties, Attorneys and Witnesses, A Review of Current Court Rules and Practices (SRLN 2017)
The Remote Appearances of Parties, Attorneys and Witnesses, A Review of Current Court Rules and Practices report is a follow up report to

Resource: Resource Guide on Serving Self-Represented Litigants Remotely (SRLN 2016)
The Resource Guide provides options for courts and other entities interested in providing services to self-represented litigants using means that are not face-to-face, instead of, or in addition to, in-person alternatives

Article: Liberty, Justice, and Legal Automata (Lauritsen 2013)
This article, by Mark Lauritsen @marclauritsen, expands on the analysis begun by the author in a computer science journal piece called Are We Free To Code The Law?

SRLN Brief: Procedural Fairness / Procedural Justice (SRLN 2015)
Research has shown that when defendants and litigants perceive the court process to be fair, they are more likely to comply with court orders and follow the law in the future—regardless of whether they “win” or “lose” their case.

Weblinks: Attorney Ethics When Interacting with an SRL (ABA 2015)
This web page is an inventory of state ethics opinions on the ethical duties of an attorney when interacting with a self-represented litigant (SRL).

Article: Attorney-Client Relationships in Cyberspace: The Perils and the Promise (Lanctot 1999)
This Duke Law Journal article of 1999 discusses forming an attorney-client relationshship by giving legal advice and regulating legal advice in non-traditional contexts.

Report: A Guide to Model Rules for Electronic Filing and Service (Lexis Nexis 2003)
This 2003 guide to model rules for e-filing discusses the use of the model rules, outlines the proposed model rules with commentary, and discusses filing and service procedures.

Tool: Limited Scope Risk Management Materials (California Commission on Access to Justice 2004)
The California Commission on Access to Justice developed comprehensive risk management materials to help lawyers develop ethical unbundled or limited scope practices.