COVID-19 Resources
This page will be updated as more resources are identified. Last updated 12-9-20.
SRLN COVID Response Memos

Guide: Guidelines for the Operation of Self-Help Centers in California Trial Courts (California 2011)
The Administrative Office of the Courts, in collaboration with judges, court executive officers, attorneys, and other parties with demonstrated interest in services to self-represented litigants, is charged with the development of

Article: Creating a User-Friendly Court Structure and Environment (NACM 2016)
This publication, from the National Association for Court Management (NACM), encourages the reader to this how the court environment - from the building, to the people, to the technology and resources - can be re

Report: The Criminalization of Private Debt (ACLU 2018)

Resource: Alaska’s Justice Ecosystem: Building a Partnership of Providers (SRLN 2017)
Created by the Self-Represented Litigation Network for the Alaska Court System, this Story Map describes Alaska’s civil justice ecosystem and the common civil legal issues that many Alaskans face.

News: Limited Licensed Legal Technician Program (American Bar Foundation 2017)
The Washington State Supreme Court (courts.wa.gov) and the Washington State Bar Association (wsba.org) created
News: Interactive story map shows hurricane impacts and Florida’s vulnerable populations (Florida 2017)
The Self-Represented Litigation Network (SRLN) helped The Florida Bar Foundation create a new data resource that reveals the impact of Hurricane Irma on Florida and the vulnerable populations who could potentially need civil legal aid in the recov

SRLN Brief: Intro to Design Thinking (SRLN 2017)
In the Access to Justice space, design thinking practices from the technology space are increasingly embraced to improve the way people access legal services and to improve and simplify the processes themselves.

Research: Accessing Justice in the Contemporary USA: Findings from the Community Needs and Services Study (Sandefur 2014)
In 2014, Rebecca Sandefur and the American Bar Foundation released Accessing Justice in the Contemporary USA: Findings from the

SRLN18 Conference RFP
Self-Represented Litigation Network (SRLN) 2nd Annual Conference 2018
February 22-23, 2018 at the Judicial Council of California Building, San Francisco, California