Report: Cases Without Counsel: Experiences of Self-Representation in U.S. Family Court (IAALS 2016)
The following excerpt introduces the report:

Report: The Justice Gap: Measuring the Unmet Civil Legal Needs of Low- Income Americans (LSC 2017)
The report begins with the following introduction –

Report: HM Courts & Tribunals Service Citizen User Experience Research (HMCTS 2018)
The report provides the summary produced below –

Report: National Self‐Represented Litigants Project: Identifying and Meeting the Needs of Self-Represented Litigants (Julie Macfarlane 2013)
The following is the National Self‐Represented Litigants Project: Identifying and Meeting the Needs of Self-Represented Litigants Final Report Executive Summary –

Report: Voices in the Civil Justice System: Learning from Self-Represented Litigants and Their Trusted Intermediaries (Alteneder & Gonzalez 2020)
Executive Summary

Survey: The State of State Courts: NCSC Public Opinion Surveys (NCSC 2014-2020)
Since 2014, the National Center for State Courts has commissioned the State of the State Courts in

Paper: Community Justice Help: Advancing Community-Based Access to Justice (CLEO 2020)
This discussion paper provides a framework to understand the mechanisms that cultivate reslient access to justice communities. The paper offers universal principles that support community-based justice help systems.

Racial Justice Statements from the Courts (2020)
After the killing of George Floyd and the national outpouring calling for racial justice in America, many courts issued statements. SRLN is aware of the following.

SRLN Self-Care Resources
SRLN wants to make sure you remember about self-care. Especially during times of crisis we need to care for ourselves before we are able to care for others.

SRLN Brief: Addressing Remote Hearing Access and Digital Divide for SRLs (SRLN 2020)
As courts have moved to remote access due to the COVID-19 pandemic, new issues have emerged for SRLs, including but not limited to the following: