Reports, Evaluations, Best Practices, Surveys

Open to the Public – 2024 How Law Libraries are Serving Self-Represented Litigants Across the Country
The Law Librarians’ Working Group of the Self-Represented Litigation Network with the American Association of Law Libraries Government Law Libraries Special Interest Section Best A2J Practices Committee surveyed law libraries about their services

Comments: SRLN Comments to Proposed Court Rule Changes in Florida on Technology Integration (SRLN 2021)
On July 1, 2021, the Florida Supreme Court appointed Workgroup on the Continuity of Court Operations and Proceedings During and After COVID-19 filed a

Report: Better _______: Strategies for User-Informed Legal Design (Michigan Advocacy Program and Graphic Advocacy Project 2021)
In 2019, the Michigan Advocacy Program (MAP) received a Technology Initiative Grant (TIG) from the Legal Services Corporation (LSC) to bring UX design and usability testing training to the justice community.

Report: Digital Justice: HMCTS Data Strategy and Delivering Access to Justice Report and Recommendations (Byrom 2019)
This report was based on research conducted by Dr. Byrom during a three-month secondment to HM Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) in early 2019, at the invitation of HMCTS chief executive Susan Acland-Hood.

Report: Designing for Housing Stability: Best Practices for Court-Based and Court-Adjacent Eviction Prevention and/or Diversion Programs (Harvard Negotiation & Mediation Clinical Program and American Bar Association 2021)
Designing for Housing Stability: Best Practices for Court-Based and Court-Adjacent Eviction Prevention and/or Diversion Programs (Joint Report of the Harvard Negotiation & Mediation Clinical Program and American Bar Association 2021)

Report: Measuring Civil Justice for All (American Academy of Arts & Sciences 2021)
Measuring Civil Justice for All, a white paper of the American Academy’s Making Justice Accessible initiative, identifies the essential facts that should be collected about civil justice activity in the United States and the entities best placed t

Report: Sargent Shriver Civil Counsel Act: Report to the Legislature (Judicial Council of California 2020)
On Monday July 13, 2020 at noon eastern, the SRLN Research Working Group hosted a presentation by Bonnie Hough of the California Judicial Council and Kelly Jarvis of NPC Research who reported on the major, multi-year research produced as a result

Resource: SRLN Legal Design Bibliography (SRLN 2020)
The attached bibliography provides a comprehensive, but not exhaustive, list of resourcs and materials related to legal design research, thought leadership, and case studies demonstrating it's potential to improve access to justice.

Report: Better Access Through Unbundling Post-Conference Report (IAALS 2018)
On October 26 - 27, 2017, the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System (IAALS), in partnership with the American Bar Association (ABA) hosted the

Evaluation: The Utah Online Dispute Resolution Platform: A Usability Evaluation and Report (i4J Program 2020)
The Utah Online Dispute Resolution Platform: A Usability Evaluation and Report was published by the Innovati